Mrs. Dole's Wall.

Mrs. Dole's Wall.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

4-Days until the Opening!

There seem to be discoveries at every turn. I am continually impressed by our ingenuity and ability to continue to dialogue with the space and with each other as collaborators. The configuration of artwork in the space continues to be determined by the limitations and opportunitites with the architecture and furniture itself. As much as what we are doing is dictated by the peeling walls and flacking plaster it is just as much dictated by the light passing through the windows, the amount of space in a nook or afforded by high ceilings. 
The parameters of the space constantly seem to expand or contract what we are able to do in a certain time span.

We keep drawing in more materials to balance out and work with the larger pieces. And the tweaking and refining stage is a mixed bag. Sometimes it is really difficult to refine and stop when it is necessary to stop. To call this ever-changing installation "finished" or "complete".

Erin Coleman-Cruz

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Installation is going up faster than we can photograph!

We continue to pump out work, our assistants manage to find time to help out with tasks big and small, the postcards have arrived, we are receiving is all happening!

Right now so many things are in the works. Every moment, the work changes so much each time in the space, Christina works her magic for long hours, I bring in things made at home, she waves her magic wand....  Well, okay, not really, the work doesn't come as easily. It is in a constant state of flux--tweaking, adjusting, and sometimes I arrive and realize that something is now installed completely differently. Amazing!

An event in the Dole on Tuesday, May 24 brought in many curious individuals--some wandering around the mansion, while others could not seem to get enough of our installation and the enthusiasm from these viewers was some of the highest we have had yet!

Today I am posting pics from May 18 and 24--just a few more teaser shots of installation and details.
Window in Mrs. Dole's Room

THE Pants Panel, 2nd Floor Hallway

Windows and Bed in Mr. Dole's room.

Pieces waiting to go up in the 2nd Floor Hallway
Stay Tuned,
Erin Coleman-Cruz

Sunday, May 22, 2011

"I'm thinking of changing my smile."

What with the Spring semester ending and two weeks away from opening night we have  put in even more valuable hours and had an exciting week. Here is the breakdown:

"i'm thinking of changing my smile" is designated our official title, thanks to the amazing innocence of Jeannie my 7-year old niece.

Postcards have been designed and should return from the printer in the next few days.

The Northwest Herald contacted Christina Gregor for an interview and sent by a photographer who caught us in action on Wed. May 18 with a few of our lovely assistants! The article should come out sometime this week.

What else, hmmm, good things are happening and the work is evolving. We have been putting our heads together, I have been working on promotional things and stitchin' and Christina has been working tirelessly (although I am sure she is exhausted!) and creating amazing alchemy.

Up next week will be a flood of promotional materials. So be prepared to be inundated folks! We just cannot wait to saturate you in love and excitement for our June 3rd First Friday reception!

We will see you there!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 6th Preview a Success!

Above the Hearth, Mrs. Dole's Room.
On our countdown to the June 3rd opening we did a teaser "sneak preview"at the Dole. We socialized a bit but mostly tried to draw attention to our installation and talk about our vision for the work. It was exciting to meet the mayor and his family, some board members, several of the excellent resident artists at the Dole's studios, as well as many curious visitors--many of whom lived in the neighborhood for years but never had been inside the Dole, or maybe were first-timers to the 2nd and 3rd floors. It was exciting, because although it was clear that our installation was very much in-progress, people seemed curious. Frankly the space by itself is curious, and the work by itself is equally so, but together it seems as though the space and artwork dialogue on some new and exciting levels.

Installation, Mr. Dole's Room. 2nd Floor.

It has been a challenge to talk about the vision for the work when the "vision" has continued developed  while working in the space--breathing it in, feeling its surfaces, testing its boundaries. We keep leaning back towards the concepts of "nesting" in a way that is less about the rational necessities of life, and more about the desire to impose oneself (and one's expression) into the nooks and crannies. The Dole installation site certainly allows for a deep exploration of the "irrational" side of nesting because although the space is "domestic" it is no longer a functional living space.

Installation. Mr. Dole's Room. 2nd Floor.
 We met some incredibly curious and receptive individuals at the reception and we are so excited for our official opening on June 3rd--this installation is like no other that the Dole has ever seen before! For that we can be sure. So tune in next time for more updates.
Installation. Mr. Dole's Room. 2nd Floor. In-Process.